2025-02-15 Toggle map

Street Art, Salsa & 10 Million People

Panorama of an enormous city seen from a nearby mountain I think it's not exaggerated to say Colombia's capital Bogotá is huge - the whole metropolitan area houses about 10 million people and stretches as far as one can see.

A villa between trees on a green mountain, fading into a huge city to the right Metal statue of a person with wounded feet, covered by a blanket on a bench in front of a white building The very accessible Monserrate mountain provides a break from the noisy traffic and a great view of the city. It's also home to a statue titled Homeless Jesus, right in front of a church.

Various colourful artworks on a wooden wall The bordering district La Candelaria is known both for its historic buildings and masterful street art, often highlighting the struggle of indigenous tribes with problems like corruption, poverty and general under-representation. I didn't take a lot of pictures in the streets though since that's a good way to loose one's phone. Local artist Carlos Trilleras however supports up and coming artists in his gallery.

A salsa band of 7 people on stage in a dim room with schemes of a crown in front of it While the locals don't seem as salsa-crazy as in Cali, we managed to find a nice bar even with live music!